We know it can be hard to choose the right game server hosting, it all depends on what you want and what matters to you. Do you want the most reliable? the cheapest? the easiest to set up and configure? So to help you find the best game server hosting we have made reviews on the different game servers from the perspective of a user. All the game servers have been tested by us or our friends and reviews are made unbiased and objectively.

Who offers the best game server hosting?

The truth is that there is no one right answer to this since it depends on what you are looking for, especially it depends on what game you want to rent game server hosting for. Read our reviews and find the strengths and weaknesses of the hosting providers.


Our rating of HostHavoc is 5 ⭐

HostHavoc is a great server provider and we would deem them one of the server providers that ticks most of the boxes for a great game server hosting experience. They offer a very wide variety of games to host and have top-notch customer service to go along with it.


Our rating of GTX Gaming is 4.5 ⭐

GTX Gaming offers great hosting solutions for you and your friends, this service provider is truly one of the best ones. They have many server locations, great support, a refund policy, and a wide variety of games available for game server hosting.

Apex hosting review

Our rating of Apex Hosting: is 4.5 ⭐

Apex Hosting offers a great range of game server hosting for plenty of games. Their prices are a bit higher but still affordable and the server quality is really worth it.

They have a very easy-to-use control panel and include video guides for you if u want to configure features. This is great since it gives you the tools to fix everything yourself without having to wait for support to help you.


Our rating of GameServers: is 3.5 ⭐

Gameservers offer hosting for many different games worldwide and we would say that their server location accessibility is one of their biggest perks, alongside a great price-to-performance ratio. Their support has had some criticism from the users and hence the lower rating. But if you’re a self-managing user and don’t need a ton of support help they are a great server provider.

More reviews are coming soon

Since we try the hosting providers ourselves before we make a review we have yet to try some of the service providers and more reviews are in the making. Keep posted for reviews on other server providers.